Twenty Question
Andy Taylor

1. Where do you live?
In the country with my family in Shropshire and I have an apartment in London. But I spend so much time on the road that suitcases and hotels are more familiar to me than my own continental quilt or toilet seat, which I cherish deeply.

2. What were you in a previous life?
A street rat! Well really the question is not what was I in pervious life, but what do I think I like to think I was in a previous life - so naturally It’s James Dean. No, I don’t know what I would have been thought I could see myself in an old jazz/bluesy band, plucking my guitar and drinking whisky - a bit like now really.

3. Tell us a secret.
Actually, I’ve got such a big mouth that I don’t have many secrets.

4. Do you have any recurring dreams?
I have two - one is about an air crash and the other one is getting flung in the air from the end of an enormous crane - like one of those things that demolish houses. I’m not scared of hights, but I am very scared of flying, so I imagine that’s where it comes from. I have to have a couple of drinks before I get on a plane because it scares me so much. You know I sit there with a picture of my baby and every time there’s a bit of turbulence my insides go to water.

5. What would you do if you could be invisible for a day?
I think I’d go and steal all al the contracts I’ve signed in the past 5 years and repossess them all.

6. What do you wear in bed?
That depends what mood the wife’s in.

7. What would you have inscribed on your gravestone?
"Tread carefully"

8. What’s your favourite line from a song?
"You’re my obsession, You’re my obsession, what do you want me to be to make you sleep with me?" It comes from that song "Obsession" that Animation had a hit with. Well Micheal Des Barres wrote it. The Power Station do a version of that - I sing those words every night to 10,000 people and my wife doesn’t like it.

9. When was the last time you cried?
When the baby was born. It was the first time I’ve ever cried in front of stingers.

10. Have you got any birth marks?
Yeah, I’ve got one on my back at the top of my bum, and I’ve got little beauty spots on my chest.

11. Have you ever seen a ghost?
When I was little I used to pretend that I saw them because I was really frightened of things like that but I don’t believe I’ve ever really had a supernatural experience. where I live in London is supposed to be fairly old and haunted, but I don’t think I’m very sensitive to all that stuff. I just can’t get into things like Ouija Boards. It may work for some people but not for a person like me.

12. How do you keep fit?
I don’t consciously keep fit. I try to stick to a good diet, but I like to enjoy myself like anyone else, so I don’t stick to a regimented programme. However, being on tour helps. Performing keeps you fit. How many normal people really have time to take care of themselves properly? You know, they go to work, go home, have dinner, flake out and watch Crossroads. Who had time for regular exercise? It’s the same for us, we’re working all the time. Now and then if I have spare half hour I’ll do some exercises so I don’t pull any muscles on stage.

13. If you were a domestic appliance what would you be?
A blender.

14. Have you ever written an angry letter to a newspaper?
I’m not a great letter writer actually, I’m one of those lazy ‘80’s kids who prefer to just got on the phone. I think letter writing is probably dying out as a form of communication. Pulse I can’t spell and I write in capital letter with out joining the letters
up. I did not pass my English "O" level.

15. Are you frightened of Spiders?
No, I can afford to be, My wife’s absolutely petrified of them and living in the country we get lots and lots of them. And they’re really huge too about six inches long so it’s up to me to be the spider hunter.

16. Can you speak French?

17. What’s the best thing about being a pop star.
I used to think "won’t it be great when I’m a pop star and I can have an easy life" And I’m still the same I always think "maybe next year it will be different or the year after that"...I mean I love it - there’s a lot of things about being a pop star that are really great, but I don’t want to get too attached to it. I wouldn’t give up the more personal things for it but as a job - it’s a lot better that you could normally expect, isn’t it.

18. When was the last time you hit someone?
About three days ago. it was at a gig, There was this animal. We were walking off stage, just before the first encore, and this guy just came back and knocked me out to the way with a big metal cue, so I just hit him - I didn’t want to - but I’d just come off stage and I just lost my temper. It’s not something I’ve ever done before. I really hurt my hand, but it was just one of those stupid things.

19. What’s your most disgusting habit?
Picking my nose and biting my nails, but then everyone in Duran Duran does that.

20. What makes you jealous?
People who make eyes at my wife. Blokes who try and chat her up. And people being put higher on the bill then me
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