Twenty Question
John Taylor

1. What were you in a previous life?

I don’t believe in previous lives. but if I was something I suppose it would be something like a Labrador dog...or a diplomat.

2. Tell us a secret.

I don’t like playing bass! I’d like to play something a bit easier - something where you can get away with doing a lot less.


3 .What do you spend your money on?

Clothes mainly. And food-eating out. And Women!

4. If you were on This is Your Life who would you like Eamon Andrews to produce from your past?

My ex-manager! And all those smart school teachers who are bound to say "of course, we always knew John would be famous."

5. What do you wear in bed?

Nothing, usually. If it’s very cold I sometimes wear a long T-shirt.

6. Can You hum the theme tune from Brookside?

No. I couldn’t even spell Brookside.

7. What’s your favorite line from a song?

"I blew up your body you blew my mind" It’s from the Bryan Ferry song "in Every Dream Home a Heartache" about an inflatable doll.

8. When was the last time you cried?

It was probably wasn’t all that long ago. In fact, it wasn’t all that long ago at all. It happened because I hadn’t seen my girlfriend in 4 weeks and I was really missing her.

9 .What makes you jealous?

Other people getting all the attention, and my girlfriend being with other men in things like TV commercials where she might have to kiss them.

10. Where do you live?

New York at the moment but I’m open to change. I live where the work is really. Home is a case of "wherever I lay my hat" for me.


11. What’s your least favorite expression?

"I’m on a health kick, man" or "You should really take more care of yourself". I hate people who are obsessed by health and start telling me I should be the same.

12. Do you ever worry about your weight?

Yes, a little bit. I sometimes gain weight around my face and bit around my stomach.

13. If you were a domestic appliance what would it be?

A vacuum cleaner. Or a fridge so I could stay cool.

14. Do you soak in the bath or just hop in and out really quickly?

I like to soak, but only if I can watch TV at the same time.

15. Are you scared of spiders?

Yes. Well not really scared of them, but I don’t like them. I’m very scared of cockroaches. I saw a film once called Damnation’s Alley set in the aftermath of a nuclear war. Cockroaches are the only things really living and there’s an awful scene where there’s lot’s of cockroaches crawling over this guy’s face. I’ve had a real phobia about them ever since.

16. Did you pass your cycling proficiency test?

No. I didn’t and I should have done because I was brilliant! It was a real bone of a contention at the time. I could do fantastic wheelies but they didn’t seen to thing that counted for much.

17. What’s the best thing about being a pop star?

You can get a way with murder! You can wear what you like, get spoilt, say what you like. It’s great so long as you don’t abuse it.


18. What’s your earliest memory?

My fourth birthday party. I received a yellow dumper truck and a series of Thunderbirds stickers.

19. Where do you think you come in the top ten most fanciable pop stars.

I usually come top, don’t I ? Which is about right. I reckon. No. seriously, it’s great when people think you’re fanciable-everybody love that and anyone who says that they don’t is a liar. So, I come top and I’m certainly not complaining.

20. What was the last time you hit somebody.

Not for years and years. And then I think I thumped and old girlfriend - I wouldn’t dare hit a bloke in case I got hit back. In fact she hit me back and I got a black eye.

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