Twenty Question
Nick Rhodes

1. Where do you live?
I’m a gypsy, I suppose I tend to live between London, Paris and New York mainly. London’s my favorite place. I have a home there and try to spend as much time as possible there.

2. If you were on Mastermind, what would your specialist subject be?
I’ve got absolutely no desire to be on Mastermind, In fact, I can’t think of anything more horrid than setting in that black leather seat and sweating under that light. I might do OK on the "Life and works of Andy Warhol", but I’m not sure.

3.How do you keep fit?
I stay up too late, eat too much, drink too much. No I keep reasonably fit. I don’t do any exercises or anything, but I’m always rushing around everywhere and I try to get enough sleep. And I don’t put any damaging substances in my body, which helps.

4. What were you in a previous life?
I don’t honestly know, I’ve never thought about it... I would quite like to have been around in the 1920’s, just because there were nice rooms to sit in and nice things to look at and they had awfully good parties then.

5. What do you spend your money on?
Different things. Magazines, books and I bought a couple of houses. I don’t get much time to spend it really, and of course a lot of my money goes back into the group and on various projects.

6. Do you have any recurring dreams?
I dream a lot, and I have very sting dreams sometimes I’m interested in dreams. Do you dream in black and white or color? That’s always interesting. I think I dream in 3D Technicolor.

7. Can you do any impressions?
NO, but Roger can do lots. He’s really good. If you haven’t seen Roger’s Freddie Mercury, you haven’t lived!

8. What’s your favorite joke?
What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back? A stick.

9. What’s your favorite line from a song?
"We’re going to build a glass asylum with just a hint of mayhem" it’s "Sweet Thing" from the "Diamond Dogs" LP by David Bowie.

10. When was the last time you cried?
I don’t cry much, I cried a lot when my dog died, but that was a long time ago.
11. Are you in love?

12. Do you ever worry about your weight?
No, If I get cat I’d worry about it, but I’m in reasonable condition.

13. Were you a swot in school ?
Oh no, definitely not I was always sloping off to the art room, as I recall I did reasonably well in my exams, but I certainly couldn’t have been described as a swot.

14. If you were a domestic appliance, what would you be?
If I had to be a domestic appliance, I’d be something nice and streamlined and chrome form the 1920’s that looks great but isn’t terribly useful.

15. What did you have for breakfast?
I don’t eat breakfast but, I had a few strawberries.

16. Are you scared of spiders?
NO, I like spiders. I don’t know why everyone keeps killing them all the time... they are harmless.

17. What’s the most stupid TV program you’ve ever seen?
They’ve too numerous to mention. I mean there’s so much banal junk on TV. I remember last time I was in England I saw some dreadful women’s lib program that I was enthralled with because it was so preposterously bad. All these women screaming at each other and screaming about men and stuff - I can’t remember what it was called. I tend to turn these things off after five minutes. There are a lot of shows in America that are so bad they’re fantastic. There’s a quiz show thing where they all clap themselves all the time and keep saying "good answer, good answer" all the time. That’s a real cracker.

18. What’s your earliest memory?
It’s strange, but I don’t remember very much at all before I went to school. My parents have some films of me when I was very small. It’s really weird to see yourself on film and having absolutely no memory of being in that place and doing those things at that time.

19. What would you do if you had to get a proper job?
A proper job! You sound like my mother! I have got a proper job. I can’t ever see myself doing anything that doesn’t come vaguely under the heading of "entertainment" because I like having an outlet to do different things. There’s so much to take part in, so many separate projects, that I wouldn’t swap what I do now for anything.

20. Do you think that flowers scream when you pick them?
No.. well some of them might. Some of those African flowers look as if they scream - they look as if they bleed as well.
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