Twenty Question
Simon Lebon

1. Where do you live?

I’ve got two homes, actually, one at the end of each leg. No, really, I don’t know where home is at the moment. I’ve been scooting around the world so much for the past year or so, I’ve kind of lost touch with the whole idea of it. Most places in England feel quite homey - especially after being in mad places like America Homes where the heart is , and my heart is with my family. My daddy lives in a little town outside of London, and my mummy lives in Florida. The only time I really feel at home is when the whole family gets together, but that’s rare.

2. Have you got any birthmarks?

Well, I’ve got a few moles, and I’ve got lots of scars.

3. When did you last go to church?

About a week ago. I went back to visit the church in Pinner where I use to be a choir boy.

4. What do you wear around the house?

Not much, I quite often walk around completely naked, but if it’s cold, I wear some cotton sweat pants or something like that.

5. How do you keep fit?

By living fast and dangerously!

6.What were you in a pervious life?

Well, if I were an animal, I’m sure it was a seagull. Otherwise, I’ve always felt a great affinity with the medieval or renaissance times, so maybe I was a character back then.

7. Do you have any recurring dreams?

Yes, I have this dream where I’m climbing up a pathway on a very steep very white cliff. I climb for hours and hours and when I finally reach the top the air is very still and cool. There’s nothing but the white cliffs and this incredibly blue sky. And I walk to the edge of the cliff - I’m completely naked - and jump off. I begin to fall, and as I fall I realize there is something at the bottom of the cliff, though I don’t know what. It’s something flat and shiny.. I start to fall faster and faster through the sky. Then my heart starts to beat incredibly quickly because I think I’m going to die. Then I hit this thing at the bottom and see the shape of my body closing up behind me - it’s as if I’ve fallen in to a very still water. And I keep falling and falling I don’t know what it means, but it’s very enjoyable dream and I always try to stay asleep when I’m having it.

8. What’d your favorite line for a song?

"I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day" It’s for very personal reasons.


9. Have you ever seen a ghost?

I’ve never actually seen a shape or human form, but I’ve seen things move.. I believe in the persistence of memory, the gentle touching of two worlds. I’m certainly not scared of ghosts at all.

10. Do you worry about your weight?

No. I get fat sometimes, but I don’t worry about it.

11. Were you a swot at school?

No, I was actually incredibly lazy. But I had this knack of being able to pass exams.

12. Do you soak in the bath or just jump in and out really quickly?

I never really soak. If it’s a very hot bath I sort of edge my way in, lie there for a while , then get out and have a cold shower. But if it’s a cool bath I jump in and out quickly.

13. Are you frightened of spiders?

Well, not exactly frighten, they just make me go "eurgh!"

14. What would you do if you had a proper job?


15. When did you last hit someone?

This morning. I was only messing about though.

16. What makes you jealous?

I used to be the jealous type, but I’m not anymore. It’s a bad, bad emotion and it’s nothing to do with love.


17. Do you believe in love at first sight?

Yes, absolutely.

18. What’s the most stupid program you’ve ever seen?

Probably Rainbow. A lot of kids programs really annoy me because they treat kids like complete idiots. I like Bagpuss, though. And Paddington and Spiderman.

19. What’s your earliest memory?

Playing with my little plastic things in my pram. And I remember our cat sitting on me. My mother will tell you that that cat disappeared when I was about six months old, so that’s a pretty early memory. And I remember having a view of lots and lots of grown-up’s knees.

20. Do you think that flowers scream when you pick them?

Well, I’ve never heard one.

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